Campaign News

Why come to 2nd July #DumpTrump Volunteers Rally?

Enjoy an evening of entertainment, organising and food for #DumpTrump FOA volunteers.

Spoken Word Artists and speakers: Adam Speaks, Leanne Mohammed,  Zena Kazeme and Shaima Dallali.

Meet other #DumpTrump Volunteers from across London.

Collect your #DumpTrump balloons, leaflets, posters and maps for 7th July Street Action.

Prizes for best Street Action!

Get creative and help make the 15ft #DumpTrump bin.

You will be allocated a role for 13th July protest, which include stewarding, stalls, photography and engagement.


Muslims Urged to #DumpTrump

President Trump's xenophobia and bigotry is now well established. There are many minority groups that had have witnessed his open hostility. However, it is the Muslims who have faced Trump’s sustained and overt verbal wrath.

His Islamophobic rhetoric precedes his presidency. As a presidential candidate, Trump frequently made disparaging statements about Muslims and even stocking fear when he stated, “I think Islam hates us”. In 2011 Trump in a television interview with Bill O’Rrelly promoted the idea that, “there is a Muslim problem in the world, and you know it and I know it”. The idea of a Muslim Problem in Trump world saw him calling for a greater surveillance of Muslims, to provide Police powers to search Muslim without a warrant and create a database that track Muslims.

Upon gaining Presidency Trump brought to fruition his rhetoric and begun with appointing known individuals with Islamophobic views. This was followed by a proposal to ban on people from seven Muslim majority countries. He did not reserve his views on Muslims to the U.S. but included Europe and the UK as having a Muslim Problem. On 29 November 2017 he re-tweeted Islamophobic tweet from the deputy leader of UK’s far-right political group Britain First.

The effect of his rhetoric has seen an increase in Islamophobia globally and in the UK for the first time an anonymous call was made to make 3 April “Punish a Muslim Day”. With the victory of Trump came the normalisation of Islamophobia and it is thus extremely important for Muslims in the UK to show their opinion when Trump arrives on 13 July in London.

Many British groups from various political, religious and cultural backgrounds are coming together in the United Kingdom to show their concern to Trump and his rhetoric. In this circumstance it would be amiss if the Muslims in the UK did not come out in strength. The need to demonstrate is thus paramount for Muslims. It is with this in mind that #DumpTrump campaign has been launched.

The #DumpTrump campaign aims to bring Muslims across the country to take this opportunity to confront the challenges of Islamophobia and say enough is enough! It is time Muslims take a prominent lead in confronting the challenges they face.

Can you help #DumpTrump?

We need your help to distribute leaflets and put up poster in shops and mosques to publiscise the demonstration on July 13th.
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